Monday, October 12, 2020

Hey Grads, This Is Why You Need A Mental Vacation

Sometimes life can feel stressful, unpredictable, even overwhelming at times.

So it's important that we take some time out and give ourselves a break. But as we all know, this is easier said than done.

We often say that we'll give ourselves time off; take the evening to relax or switch-off for the weekend. But all of a sudden something will come up that has to be done, or thoughts will pop into your head of a jobs you need to do.

That's what a holiday provides; pre-booked time off dedicated to taking time out for yourself. Sadly we don't have the luxury of being able to go on one at a moments notice when we need a break because of our commitments and responsibilities. However, this doesn't mean that we can't enjoy the perks a holiday brings to our own homes. 

This is where a mental vacation comes in. If you think about when you go away on a relaxing holiday, you've already got your routine planned out. You get up, have breakfast, perhaps spend the day down by the pool or head out on an adventure, you come back and spend the time to get ready to go out for the evening. Warmer weather aside, what's the difference of being at home that stops you applying this holiday mentality to your life? Nothing!

A mental vacation is all about mindset. It's down to you to make a conscious effort to set some time aside for yourself to have this break and treat it like you are on holiday. Here are some simple ways on how to take one: 

  • Dedicate time this week to relaxing. When you come in from work, university, or whatever you have been doing that day, put it behind you and treat this time like you are on holiday.
  • Grab your coat and go out for a walk. Take the time to look around and enjoy the nature around you and notice the small things.
  • Slow down. Enjoy drinking your cup of tea or taking a long soak in the bath, allow this time to let your mind rest.
  • Pamper yourself. Dig out that face mask or spend the time getting ready for the day instead of rushing ahead.

So why is taking a mental vacation important? 

It gives you a chance to unwind and escape the stresses of everyday life. Taking time away to look after your mental health should not be frowned upon. It's something we should all do more often but feel like we're too busy to make time in our daily lives. But when we do put that time aside and relax, we then come back from our break feeling fresh and renewed; ready to take on those challenges which are causing us anxiety. 

Breaks also help us to avoid that feeling of burnout. We can end up feeling physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted from the stresses and responsibilities we face. It's not something we can easily recover from, but having regular breaks can aid with the recovery process.

I hope reading this has encouraged you to make plans for this week to take a mental vacation. I have started to add them into my weekly routine and they honestly make a huge difference. So make sure you take time this week and take a break; because you've earned one.


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